I've been at the beach much more these last two weeks than I have been this entire year. This is because my area of living is not known for having warm beaches...Anyway, I've still been under the spell of the beach, with its sandy dunes, and relaxed atmosphere. I was only able to work on one real drawing because I started my summer classes this week.
The rest of the drawings are rough 2 minute sketches. I've also included for your viewing pleasure, my beach photos!
Scribb #79
I drew these after watching a fantastic anime called Eden of the East...I'm not a big anime fan, but the art/animation in this short series is fantastic, and the plot is also quite interesting. I think its my favorite...which isn't saying much as I haven't watched that many.
My Beach Photos:
My silly little kite which I thoroughly enjoyed kiting with. I did get bored, as this particular model is extremely easy to get into the air...no challenge...
Couldn't believe this was intact on the beach still
Styling at its best.
I hope to draw this weekend despite the fact that I have a test on Monday, and I should be studying instead. I've been seeing lots of wonderful photos of really beautiful places, and I want very much to draw them!